
Council on Accreditation (COA): Chrysalis House, Inc. is fully accredited. Being accredited means that a third party (COA) has determined through a rigorous assessment of evidence that CHI meets all the most important standards. Accreditation requires that we follow best practice and provide quality services. COA accreditation is valid for four years from the date of achievement, and we are currently accredited through 2/29/2028. Click here to see our certificate!

Performance Quality Improvement (PQI): Out PQI plan is an accreditation tool designed to elicit feedback. All forms of feedback are invaluable to improving our work. Your opinions matter!

Feedback measurements are collected by: Client satisfaction surveys, internal and external agency audits and feedback collected via our Suggestion Box. Our PQI Committee is comprised of CHI Board of Directors and staff members who meet quarterly to review feedback and shape our future services accordingly.

If you have feedback for CHI, please request a Satisfaction Survey or you may submit written feedback to our Suggestion Box located in the CHI main lobby. This box is locked and monitored quarterly by our Board of Directors. Our Satisfaction Survey and Suggestion Box do afford the option of anonymity, if you desire.

Our PQI findings are available to our stakeholders upon request. Our Executive Director can be reached for inquiry at: